Sunday, March 25, 2012

stuck in my craw

I've had this horrible, annoyed feeling in the pit of my stomach since last night.
I can't seem to shake it, which makes me more mad.
So don't mind me while I vent for a minute...

So I dealt to this preppy-I-am-gods-gift guy on Friday night.  Skott had the "pleasure" of dealing to him last night.  He was bragging how much he had won the night before (about $6,000) but at the same time, complaining about his wife.  Apparently, he stayed out until 5am gambling while his wife was at the motel with the kids.  Well, he gets done gambling, comes back to the hotel just as the family is waking up, and goes to bed.  So his poor wife is left with the four kids and no husband. She takes them to the beach, to lunch, etc. by herself.  When comes back to the hotel that evening and he is still asleep, she is upset and wakes him up.  Stupid man thinks that going to the outlet mall and buying his wife a Coach brand purse will make it all better.  Nope.  She's still mad (and rightly so).  She tells him that if he goes gambling all night again, and sleeps away the following day without spending any time with her or the kids, that she will leave him sleeping and go home without him.
This arrogant prick was all upset at his wife for being so "unreasonable" and that "a purse wasn't good enough for her", etc.  He then went on to brag about how much money he makes and what a great job he has and how going to college was the best decision he ever made and how the problems with America right now all stem from the fact that everyone is too lazy to go to college.  Skott said at this point he couldn't bite his tongue any longer so he said "No, plenty of people go to college.  That doesn't mean there are jobs waiting for them when they get out."  This guy looks right at Skott and says "Well maybe they just aren't making the right choices or have their priorities in the right place.  Look at me.  Work is my #1 priority and I would say that it has worked out well for me."

I would like to suggest that attitudes like his are what's wrong with America.

I admit, I am very sensitive when it comes to the whole "get a degree and your future will be taken care of" theory.  I made TONS of sacrifices while attending school and hmmmm, none of them seemed to pay off like I had hoped.
But you know what?
-they have paid off in ways I couldn't imagine:
I have confidence in myself and my abilities
I have different ways of approaching problems
I am more creative
I can spend time with my husband, family, and friends
I learned more about subjects I love, such as plants and ecology
I made many new friends

I know things happen for a reason.  I don't regret the time I spent in school.  I do, however, regret the fact that this ignorant man's attitude has been bugging me all day.  Sadly, he will probably never realize that the true priorities in life have nothing to do with money.

and after this guy won another $4,000 he tipped Skott $2.50 and told him to "go buy yourself something nice".  Ha!  Guess he didn't appreciate Skott's comments.  I'm proud of Skott for saying what he did though!

1 comment:

Franson Funny Farm said...

Oh wow! That kinda got my blood boiling just a little bit too. I think his priorities are completely screwed up! His number one priority should be his family, which he, obviously, has forgotten about. And the attitude about schooling and jobs? Wow! He was probably one of those 'trust fund babies' who had everything dropped in his lap. You are right. What an arrogant prick. Can we say "Clueless!"? Kudos to you & Skott for having to put up with garbage like that.