Thursday, May 26, 2011

Finding your happy place

Izzy has been quite sensitive and traumatized by all the changes lately.  We often find her hiding in her "happy place" aka -the downstairs bathroom.  She goes in there when she is scared or feeling insecure. 

Monday I was working on the front flower bed.  I had just mowed the lawn so I drug out my weeding bag to throw everything in.  I kept hearing a funny rustling noise behind me.  When I finally turned around, this is what I saw:

I didn't realize it, but the next door neighbor was running his air compressor =terror for Izzy.  So she found a new "happy place" and laid in there among the weeds and dirt while I finished working on the flowers.

Monday, May 23, 2011

threads of love

When Skott and I first started dating I was living in Twin Falls, ID and he was living about 45 minutes away in Jackpot, NV.  He had this amazing soft, comfy sweatshirt that I LOVED to borrow.  At the time, it was a deep burgundy color.  He bought it on a trip to the ocean so it had special memories for him.  Throughout the course of our relationship (and marraige), this sweatshirt has seen many sicknesses, tears, and adventures.  It used to go everywhere with us -every camping trip, every trip to the beach, etc.  As the inevitable wearing started becoming more prominent, it took a loving place in our closet, only to be brought out during the sickest of times.
kind of like a baby blanket

When I was interning in Oregon during the summer of 2008, Skott's vacation to come visit me was denied by his boss.  I was devastated, homesick, and lonely.  A few weeks later I got a care package from Skott.  On the top of the package was the sweatshirt.  I shed tears.  I wore it every day and it brought me a lot of comfort.

During our recent decluttering/simplifying event, we came across this sweatshirt in the closet.  We both looked at eachother, not wanting to say the words....
"One more time" I said
And we each posed for a final picture with the sweatshirt.

Yes, I know it's huge.  Skott used to be about 55lbs heavier.  So proud of you babe!

I wish I could capture the color....

We took a spring fever induced trip to Como Zoo and Conservatory last month.

Skott found Woody!  hahaha
We had to go check out the new LegoLand at Mall of America.  Very cool!

Monday, May 9, 2011

simple pleasures

My sleeping has been so out of whack the past 3 months, leaving me plenty irritable most days.  Poor Skott has been so patient and kind with me -he truly is a gem!I must have been pretty crabby the other day because instead of going with Skott to do grocery shopping/errands, he gave me strict orders to "Stay home and plant something!"  Ahhhh, he knows me so well.
The highlight of my evening was finding this totally cool frog/toad underneath the leaves under my rhododenderons.  I made him a new home under our front porch steps since I needed to rake up all the leaves he was under...

I also got a big kick out of watching our fat dogs try and chase eachother around the yard.  They are loving this weather as much as we are!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Spring fever here

Fucie desperate for some sunshine

We all have a bad case of the winter blahs.  Sooooo ready for nicer weather, like everyone else in the country.  It is so scary to hear about all the weird weather and storms across the nation and around the world.  Yes, The times, they are a'changing!  -and not in a good way.  It frustrates me that media attention is constantly focused on insignificant fluff.  It is easier for everyone to ignore what is happening to our planet and focus on "the now".  I hear of very little plans for the future (when we have disrupted the balance of our ecosystem to the point that our planet can no longer support life as we know it).  In light of all the natural disasters, Skott and I have had several interesting discussions lately such as:
     -If we had 1/2 hour to evacuate, what would we take and where would we go?
     -If our home was leveled by a tornado (good-bye food storage), what would we do?  Where would we go?  How would we eat?
     -If disaster struck and the government broke down, would we stay and defend our home, our things, our food?  Or would we pack up essentials and band together the family?  Where would we go?
     -What if the roads became impassible? 
Lovely dinnertime conversations, I know.  But interesting, nonetheless.

As many of you know, my job hunt is proving much more difficult than I ever imagined.  And with the recent passing of a bill by our idiotic governor, biology jobs in Wisconsin are futile to pursue.  Yes, I am aware that the job market is TOUGH everywhere, but I cannot sit and rot working for this stupid hotel company much longer.  It is pretty ridiculous that I fight back the tears constantly every weekend due to the tremendous stress and B.S. level I am forced to deal with at night, especially when none of the 3 managers will answer their phones and I am left to try and figure things out.  We have decided that we need to be more mobile so I can apply for more jobs nation-wide.  So we have been getting our house ready to put on the (crappy) market.  Oh boy.
We made it a goal to really and truly de-junk/de-clutter.  I will not lie, it has been extrememely overwhelming and stressful!  One side of our garage is completely full of items for the yard sale.  It's not that I don't want to get rid of things, I do.  It's just the mess you create while trying to sort through things.  Piles everywhere....  But let me tell you, it feels GOOD.  It's amazing how these things have cluttered up our lives for so long.  We have been using a wonderful technique as we go through things:
1) When was the last time we used this?  How often do we use this?  Why haven't we used it more?
2)  Is this something that has sentimental value but is never displayed or looked at?  If so, is it something that can be used?
3) Was this a gift from someone?
4) Cool item, but where/how can we use it?
I have taken many, many pictures of things that have sentimental value, but that have been packed away in a trunk since I left home.  Dolls, stuffed animals, barbie horses, care bears, ....  Most of them are stained and the barbie horse hair is a weird sticky texture now.  Why keep them?  So I have a new folder on my computer with pictures of these items so that I can always bring back memories when I look at the photos.  And quite truthfully, I will look at the photos more than I would ever open that trunk and look at the actual items.
I also have a lot of pillowcases, tablecloths, etc that were embroidered by my grandparents and great grandparents.  Rather than keep them in a trunk (where they won't get ruined), I have taken photos of them, and then I plan to use them!
Things such as my graduation cap, gown and tassles.  Really?  Why am I keeping them?  Click a pic, donate.
Some things are harder than others.  I have A LOT of blankets and afghans.  A ridiculous amount actually.
Why am I keeping them all "just in case".  We sorted through them -set aside ones for camping, ones for winter-time throws, ones for guest bedroom. Kept one in the hope chest that was quilted for me by three generations when I was younger, then the rest we are donating to the woman's shelter.  Someone else might as well get some use out of them, right?

This de-cluttering has been very liberating in an undescribeable way. And it feels good knowing that someone can get use out of something that would otherwise be sitting in storage.

pretty much how I feel
I have been horrible at blogging, especially lately.  My body refuses to adjust to the day sleeping schedule so I am always exhausted.  I get up, eat breakfast, pack/clean/paint/, exercise for 1-2 hours, then have dinner and go to work.  I feel more stressed now than I did in school.  It seems like there are never enough hours in the day.  The last major project to be completed before listing our home is the basement.  Then a thorough deep clean.  Then cross our fingers.

I am a planner.  I don't like not knowing.  I don't like uncertainty.
What I do know:
I love plants.  I love conservation work.  I love working with people.  I love my family.  I love the ocean.  I feel happiest being in nature.
I also believe with all my heart that we will be guided in the direction we are meant to go.  Things will happen for reasons that might not be apparent right away.  I put in a for a great job here locally.  A dream job.  I was in the top 3.  I didn't get the job.  It was devastating.  I have since put out close to 100 applications and landed only one more interview.  Didn't get that job either. 

I don't want to sell our home.  I love it.  I love living next to family. 
But I also cannot live to work at a crappy job.  So much of life is spent working, it might as well be something you enjoy.  -or at least something that doesn't give you anxiety attacks and send you home in tears every day.  Skott and I have made a lot of sacrifices  the past three years while I was in school.  I don't want them to be for nothing.

So here's to crossing our fingers and seeing where life takes us!

Skott has been spoiling me lately.  After a particularly rough night, he made me breakfast:  ocean animal shaped pancakes, ham, and eggs.  Yum!