Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas 2011

Last year Christmas looked like this:
I had just graduated, we had a HUGE winter storm, and life was wide open.
I never imagined in my wildest dreams that the following Christmas would look like this:

We kept things VERY simple this year.  Didn't send out many gifts (sorry family). 
Skott and I both had to work on the day, so we celebrated early on Thursday (our day off).  It was a wonderful day!

Backing up a little:  having lots of time to think while standing on dead games at work allowed me plenty of time to really plan out Skott's christmas.  In years past, I was always stressed with finals around the holidays and was never really able to devote a lot of time to brainstorming Christmas.  Well, this year I got a little bold and after a couple weeks of debating with myself, I decided I was going to try and custom paint a pair of Vans shoes for Skott.  Mind you, I am not a painter, nor an artist.  I did a lot of research, watched a ton of videos, then finally plunged in.

Here we go!

freehand sketching the design

custom mixing the main body color

Ready to start painting design
Compass Rose custom vans complete!
I honestly would encourage anyone mildly interested in this to give it a try.  It was a lot of fun!  And believe me when I say, If I can do it, ANYONE can do it!

Skott put together a really fun stocking for me!  The theme was "All things good.... with one really bad thing"
Guess what that was?

I did a "Forever Young" theme for Skotts stocking

We had a great day together.  Went on a walk and went to see the new Sherlock Holmes movie.
Hope everybody has a great holiday!

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