Thursday, November 10, 2011

Our disney princess

Sooooo, the "joys" of having an aging senior dog who is also a former puppy mill rescue.... will lead you to drastic solutions when their failing bodies no longer maintain complete bladder control 
(See this link for more info on puppy mills:
or simply google the very censored Oprah special on puppy mills.)

Poor Izzy is having a hard time with her back end.  Her crippled little legs do a shuffle/drag movement now, and when she attempts to run, her back legs work in unison, rather than opposite of eachother.  Quite comical to watch, but sad at the same time.  She has started having more "accidents" and we were tired of shampooing carpets and rugs every day so we came up with this ensemble:

This was our first attempt but the diaper wouldn't stay on
Makeshift elastic "suspenders" did the trick!
Ironically, the only diapers we could find that were the correct size were some Disney princess pull-ups.

My little princess

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