Sunday, November 6, 2011

Getting life back

My last day doing my temp job at the retail store BiMart was yesterday.  I met a lot of great people working there (as well as some incredibly "challenging" people... if you didn't catch that from my facebook postings. haha).  Working both jobs was a lot harder than I expected, and I'm not as young as I like to think I am.  So, after having a meltdown on poor Skott and crying myself to sleep Friday night, enough was enough.  My only concern was that the casino was only part-time and I really needed full-time income.

Well, a strange thing happened Friday night at the casino....

I was actually scheduled off that night since I had to work a couple of extra days earlier in the week. (I was grateful things worked out this way, as I had to do a weekend of 12 hr shifts at BiMart for their grand opening).  I was unable to sleep much that night, despite being totally mentally and physically exhausted.  Skott text me around 5am and I was awake to answer it.  He said he had a suprise for me but I had to wait until he got home.

The suprise:
I was made full time at the casino that night.

I don't believe in coincidences such as these.  I know this was an answer to my prayers and an indication that this is what I should be doing right now.  I no longer doubted my decision to leave BiMart (the job was offered to me until the end of Christmas).

It is hard for me to accept the fact that I don't have a job in Biology. 
but I am not giving up!
I am going to be looking at places and organizations I can volunteer with over the winter.  Next spring I will be ready to apply for seasonal and temporary jobs.  Most of the jobs in my field of interest are grant funded and we all know what is happening with the budgets these days....  But I have faith that something will come along, someday.

I am really excited to be able to spend more time with this guy:

1 comment:

Franson Funny Farm said...

Keep your chin up love! Sometimes volunteering and temporary jobs can turn into full time jobs. John's first job with Simplot was just temporary, but turned full time which, eventually led us to this job with Wilbur Ellis. Somehow, someway, it will work out. love you!!