Thursday, May 26, 2011

Finding your happy place

Izzy has been quite sensitive and traumatized by all the changes lately.  We often find her hiding in her "happy place" aka -the downstairs bathroom.  She goes in there when she is scared or feeling insecure. 

Monday I was working on the front flower bed.  I had just mowed the lawn so I drug out my weeding bag to throw everything in.  I kept hearing a funny rustling noise behind me.  When I finally turned around, this is what I saw:

I didn't realize it, but the next door neighbor was running his air compressor =terror for Izzy.  So she found a new "happy place" and laid in there among the weeds and dirt while I finished working on the flowers.

1 comment:

Ryan n Heidi said...

Awah! Sweet little Izzy...she must like the smells and comfort of the ground....