Monday, May 23, 2011

threads of love

When Skott and I first started dating I was living in Twin Falls, ID and he was living about 45 minutes away in Jackpot, NV.  He had this amazing soft, comfy sweatshirt that I LOVED to borrow.  At the time, it was a deep burgundy color.  He bought it on a trip to the ocean so it had special memories for him.  Throughout the course of our relationship (and marraige), this sweatshirt has seen many sicknesses, tears, and adventures.  It used to go everywhere with us -every camping trip, every trip to the beach, etc.  As the inevitable wearing started becoming more prominent, it took a loving place in our closet, only to be brought out during the sickest of times.
kind of like a baby blanket

When I was interning in Oregon during the summer of 2008, Skott's vacation to come visit me was denied by his boss.  I was devastated, homesick, and lonely.  A few weeks later I got a care package from Skott.  On the top of the package was the sweatshirt.  I shed tears.  I wore it every day and it brought me a lot of comfort.

During our recent decluttering/simplifying event, we came across this sweatshirt in the closet.  We both looked at eachother, not wanting to say the words....
"One more time" I said
And we each posed for a final picture with the sweatshirt.

Yes, I know it's huge.  Skott used to be about 55lbs heavier.  So proud of you babe!

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