Friday, January 29, 2010

is there a theme to this one?

Excluding this last week, when temps were -21 with wind chill, Skott and I have been trying to get out and go for walks several times a week.  It reminds me of the first few years we were together.  In Boise, we were too poor to do anything so we went on a lot of walks!  Then we moved to the Oregon Coast where we took daily walks on the beach.  We used to walk for hours and talk and talk and talk. 

So here it is the end of January and we still don't have a 2010 calendar!  hahaha  We meant to get one after the new year at the mall, and then forgot the last couple times we went.  That's what I get for being too cheap to pay full price huh?

I am back in school.  I have a pretty heavy load this semester:  Plant Physiology, Conservation Biology, Physiological Nutrition, and Spanish 102.  Plus I am doing a report on the research I did last summer and presenting at the Student Research Day.  18 credits.  Once again, I got offered the amazing opportunity to grade for the Chemistry lab.  Pay is great and I can do it all in the comfort of my own home (and pajamas!).   I almost cried my first day of Spanish class.  I have a different teacher than last semester and the ENTIRE lecture was all in Spanish!  Once the shock wore off, I  managed to have somewhat of a clue what is going on, but it is going to be tough!  All my professors are great!

Skott is working lots.  It seems to run in spurts where he will have two or three weeks with lots of overtime and switched shifts, then it is quiet for a couple weeks.  He just got done with a heavy work week.  Let's hope the next few are quieter for him.

We are getting closer to finishing the kitchen and posting pics!

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