Monday, January 18, 2010

Idaho visit

I knew it was going to be a great visit when my awesome sister, Josie, picked me up at the Boise airport looking like this:  (a joke, obviously)

I flew in the same day as half the town of Boise.  I think Josie and I were the only ones in the airport not wearing orange and blue BSU colors.
During my layover in Denver I ran into a cousin that I lived with in Jerome when I was attending CSI.  Hadn't seen her in 15 years.  It was awesome catching up with Janae and meeting her wonderful kids.

I spent several nights with Josie. The morning after I arrived we got a call from Heidi.  The home health nurse had sick kids and couldn't make it to work.  "Would we mind watching Ayla?" she asked.  Silly question!  Little munkin was so much fun!

I stayed with Heidi for a few days.  I got to go to a doctors appointment with Ryan and Ayla.  My job was to carry the diaper bag while Ryan carried Ayla in her carseat and all her "gear".  I joked that this was an epic moment:  me carrying a diaper bag!  hahaha  Ryan and Heidi taught me how to do therapies with Ayla, as well as feed her, "burp" her, and give her meds via feeding tube.  They work with her several times throughout the day.  They are such good parents!  This is Ayla and Heidi during tummy time on the slippery mat:

Ayla and her "proud" face.  I was telling her what a big girl she was to bounce so high.

Heidi, Ayla, and I:

I was fascinated by how smart Ayla is.  This is a picture of her watching her "Learn to Read" videos.  She knows the word spider and the accompanying picture and starts smiling as soon as it comes on.  It plays the Eensy Weensy Spider song and she grins the entire time.

This is a very happy me.  About day four.  I found Tully's coffee just down the street from Heidi's house.  I was originally going to see if I could go the entire trip without coffee but I couldn't say no to Tullys.  I haven't had Tullys since we left Washington state.  It was heavenly.

Rachel was working a lot but Josie and I did manage to get over to her house one night that she got off work early.  It was great seeing her and the girls and meeting her boyfriend Bobby.  I spaced bringing my camera.  My cousin Gideon called while I was there so he and his wife came over.  It was great seeing them too!

My in-laws from Glenns Ferry came to town on Tuesday.  I was really happy to see them!  Spent the afternoon with Pops, Mom, and Aunt Joyce.  We went to lunch and then to the Boise Co-op.

Josie and I rented a car and drove to Pocatello one day to visit my Grandma Tolman.  Once again, forgot camera!  We picked up my Grandma and went to Tiffany's house for a delicious lunch.  I had a lot of fun visiting with Tiffany and enjoyed the wild imagination of her daughter, Emerald.  I asked Emerald if she wanted to come and live with me and she said, "Only if you have lots of horsey toys!".  A girl after my own heart.

I stayed with Josie after visiting Grandma just in case I was exposed to anything that might be dangerous to Ayla.  On Wednesday night my mom, Seth, and Duane came up from Utah.  We enjoyed hanging out on Thursday and that evening we went to dinner at The Ram with Heidi.  I got my mom and Seth to try calamari.  Of course, didn't tell them what it was until after they tried it!  Can't believe my little brother is 15 already. 

Despite having so much fun that I forgot to bring the camera out much, I have memories that will last forever.  This was an amazing visit and I am so grateful that I was able to spend time with everyone!

I was sad to leave, but happy to get home to my family.  The dogs were determined to check out my suitcases and Izzy planted her butt in this one, probably insisting that she come along next time!


Salmon Tolman Family said...

Oh my! You visited a lot of people in a short amount of time!!!
btw, I love Josie's outfit! ;)

Ryan n Heidi said...

I miss you chica! It was awesome having you visit and I'm so glad Ayla got to see you too! Wisconsin is too far away (hint, hint)
Love ya!

Salmon Tolman Family said...

Wow! Busy trip! sounds like you had an awesome time. Only Josie could wear that in public and get away with it. Sorry we missed seeing you. Salmon is a little far to drive in the middle of winter anyway. Hope all continues to go well for ya' Josh