Sunday, June 14, 2009

Saturday morning market

My absolute favorite summer activity in Eau Claire is the Farmers Market in Phoenix Park. The big day is Saturdays but they also have it a couple days during the week too. We don't live too far so we usually ride our bicycles down every Saturday morning. We start out buying kolaches to eat while we shop. Kolaches are delicious, giant, sweet dinner rolls filled with egg, cheese and various meats or vegetables. We also love to stock up on fresh produce and cheese curds at the market. A couple weeks ago we bought a "Hawaiian" tomato plant. I have never heard of it but it is supposed to be a yellowish tomato with a sweet pineapple flavor.

The river that runs behind Phoenix Park was like glass this Saturday. Here is our view as we sat on rocks and ate a pumpkin bread muffin and sesame rice balls (great breakfast combo, I know).

Skott enjoying his ham, swiss, and onion kalache:

After the market we went on a bicycle ride. This is a view of Phoenix Park and the market area from across the river. The market area is to the left (you can't really see it). The big building is a business complex and the park wraps around more to the right. Such a beautiful day!

On a different note, intern work is still going good. It rained really hard last Sunday night and I woke up to find my tent had fallen in on me. I propped the center crosses up on a chair I had in my tent and made my way outside. Somehow the rain fly got tweaked and it was causing the tent to twist and collapse. I managed to get all the poles put back together and upright, then had to tie the rain fly down differently to counter-act the twist. I was completely soaked and so happy to crawl back into my warm sleeping back and catch a few more hours of sleep!
I was able to take a break from weeding and collect research data for two days this week. It is a little intimidating at first, as the machines we are using are $30,000 each, but they are starting to make sense and we completed our first round of collection for one campaign. Two more campaigns to go with three rounds of collection each. Everyone I work with is great. We all get along really well and there is lots of interesting conversation.
Next weekend I am on call so Skott will be coming up to spend the weekend with me. I am excited to show him around. I won't be able to post again for two weeks until I get home.

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