Saturday, November 10, 2012


(First off, let me be clear that I am not trying to slander the company.  I am just VERY disappointed and slightly apalled that they are allowed to continue to sell their product.)

The last week of September I had my dental cleaning.  I take very good care of my teeth and had very little tartar and no stains or anything.  For being a coffee drinker, I have very white teeth.  I don't do any whitening strips, I just brush, floss, and rinse 2x a day.
The dental hygenist stongly suggested that I switch to Crest ProHealth fluoride mouthwash since the water isn't fluoridated here.  I had been using the Crest ProHealth 3D whitening toothpaste for the last couple months so I decided to switch from my ACT mouthwash, to the Crest ProHealth.

When I was reading the label to see how much to use, I saw something that I thought was odd, but I didn't really think twice about it at the time.  I have highlighted it in yellow below:
It reads:  "In some cases, rinses may cause surface staining to teeth.  This is not permanent
or harmful, and may be prevented by adequate brushing or removed at your next dental visit.

The first thing I noticed right away that I did NOT like was the way it "gelled" up in my mouth.  I would be swishing away and these nasty, gelatin-like clumps would collect.  The texture of them almost gagged me.

Then, about a month after using the mouthwash, I noticed these weird brown stains inbetween my lower teeth that I have NEVER had before
Nasty, right?
I tried flossing better, paying extra attention and time when I brushed, etc but they just kept getting darker and darker.
Then I remembered what the label said.  I did a trusty google search and found out that this staining is something A LOT of people have encountered!

I first contacted the dentist, who said they had never heard of this, but would be happy to clean my teeth for free and try to remove the stains (My appointment is Monday,  I will keep you posted).
I then contacted the mouthwash company.  Their reply was horribly scripted, -which tells me that they have gotten enough complaints that they actually had to write a script for their customer service agents to spew back at us.  It contained bullcrap phrases such as "This is an indication that the product is working" and "It is cosmetic only and will not cause damage to your teeth" and "All ingredients in the mouth wash are FDA approved".  The lady was very nice and took down a lot of information.  They are refunding me for the price of the mouthwash and asked me to contact them if "further medical treatment is neccessary".  Whhhhaaaattt?!

So instead of reassuring me that they are looking into the problem, they just "shut me up" with a refund.  Needless to say, I have thrown away ALL Crest ProHealth products in my house and I will NEVER trust them again!

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