Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Phenomenal day

I admit, I woke up pretty crabby yesterday.  I had horrible dreams all night and a bad stomach ache.  When Skott suggested we go on a walk,  I was more than happy to head out and enjoy some of this sunshine.

The weather was perfect!  No wind, and lots of sunshine.  It was refreshing to see so many other people out enjoying the beach as well.  The color of the water was brilliant and the sky was an amazing shade of blue.

We walked about 1.5 miles to the bay.  By the time we got there, the tide was on its way out.  There was a rocky sandbar that got exposed and my dear sweet explorer of a husband waded out to see what he could find.
As he explored the other end, the sun was lined up perfectly.  I love these shots:

On another note:  I finally finished my first pair of (matching) fingerless gloves! ( haha the first set I did didn't look like a matching set by the time I finished them).  I wanted to drill some sea glass and put on them as embellishment but when I went out into the shop, the drill press was dead :( 
I will post pics when we get another drill press I guess.

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