Friday, November 13, 2009


I was going to title my blog "Halloween" but I don't want to scare any fragile children that might see the title and get "scared"
Sometimes all this political correctness crap really bothers me!

Anyways, my nephews Mason and Aundray spent the night. Skott made cupcakes with them:

and I made this disgusting jello foot:

next year I want to try my hand at a jello brain mold....


Franson Funny Farm said...

I love the cupcakes and the foot! I am like you--I am so sick of political correctness in everything. How are our kids gonna get tough if we worry too much about hurting someones feelings?!

The McIntire Family said...

That has got to be one of the most disgusting "feet" I've ever seen. What color of jello is that?? Awesome! ;-) Love the cupcakes too.

Ryan n Heidi said...

So cool- what a fun aunt and uncle you are! I LOVE Halloween so call it that....poo poo on the politics! ha! Where did you find the disgusting jello "foot" mold? It's hilarious!