Saturday, October 17, 2009

It's alive!

I have had this hibiscus for at least seven years. I am amazed it is still alive considering the fact that we always seem to move in the dead of winter when it's either raining or snowing. It used to bloom all the time and often had several blooms on it at once. It was a gift from Skott to remind me of our trips to Hawaii.

But this plant hasn't been happy since we left Tacoma in 2004. The entire time we lived in Glenns Ferry, ID it only bloomed once, and that was as we were boxing it up to move to Wisconsin. It never bloomed the year we were in Chetek despite lots of sunlight and repotting. And it got really sick when we moved to Eau Claire and lost most of it's leaves last winter. I had another hibiscus similar to this one that suffered a swift, mysterious death when we lived in Chetek (coincidentally following a visit from some guests. Hmmm....).

I really wanted to keep this one alive and tried everything to coax a bloom out of it. It tried earlier this summer with two buds. They got going but fell off the plant before they were able to open up.
Then a third bud made it!

What a welcoming sight with winter right around the corner!

(I could muster up a philosophical analogy right now but this post is probably already long enough)


Ryan n Heidi said...

I am impressed- I swear I won't touch it (then it really WILL die!). HA! Beautiful plant...mine are are always in bloom and green and lovely (becasue they are silk)

The McIntire Family said...

Remember the plant we had in college that took over our basement apartment. How good that plant grow with zero sunlight and negative atmosphere???? It's you and your green thumbs.