Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Plants Plants Plants!

Totally unrelated to plants, but wanted to show an update of our neurotic wheelie pug:  
He has developed an OCD condition of licking his front legs until he has made sores.  So now we have to bandage and wrap his legs every day.  I went with the red bandages, to match his superhero diapers of course! ha!  But he is getting around better in his wheels and has figured out how to back himself up and turn around quite well.  Now only if we could teach him to take those door frames a little wider....

But, back to the title of this blog:  Plants!
We have lived in Oregon almost two years and have used our tent once that entire time.  Due to rain and wind, we would prefer to yurt or cabin tent here on the coast.  So we decided to free up some space in the garage and sell our tent and screen house.  A guy contacted me to see if I would consider a trade.  Turns out he owns a native plants nursery!  Perfect!  I made my "wish list" and we met them in Newport.
Here's the back of the car on our way down:

 and here it is after the trade:

So excited! Oh, did I mention he forgot tags for them?  Put my plant ID skills to test for sure!

I want to rip out all the "grass" in the front lawn and have it full of plants, strawberries, herbs, etc.
Here we are, starting to plan

I have to do a post once it's all done.  It's definitely slow-going between work, exercise, and doing things with Aundray.

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