Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My (new) Husband

Skott is seriously the best!  What guy would tolerate two hyper, giggly sisters for three days?  And better yet, he let us have some "fun" before his big event.

Skott has been toying with the idea of shaving his head for several months now due to the fact that his hair refuses to remain attached to his scalp in an even manner.  He was worried about shaving, since the last time he had his head shaved was in the Army and he was worried about funny lumps and bumps:

Since Josie was coming for the concert, he decided to take the plunge while she was here so she could help him (she is a stylist, after all).  With the help of some clippers, and a few glasses of wine, here is what we came up with:
(in all fairness, the giant empty spot is a scar and has nothing
to do with our artistic talents! haha)
"Lightning Bolt" and an attempt at my initials but we gave
up after realizing how hard it was.

a "star"
and then she started clipping....
"Racing Stripes"
A baby curl/mowhawk.


I really like it!  I think it looks great!  Skott is pleased with it as well.

The most common reactions at work:
"Dude, you look like a total bad ass"
"Wow!  You look bad as hell"
"Man, you look like you could kick someone's butt!"
"Did Jodi let you do that?"
"Did Jodi give you permission to do that?"
"Did you lose a bet?"
"Your eyes really pop!"

hahaha  We work with some funny people.


Franson Funny Farm said...

Kojak!!! :)

Salmon Tolman Family said...

I like it, too!!!

The McIntire Family said...

I like it too but the first thought that came into my head: Wow-does he cook meth inside a camper trailer??? (he looks like the main character from Breaking Bad---a man you wouldn't want to mess with) LOVE it though!!!!!