Sunday, January 15, 2012

Second week of January 2012

The tale of the leaking roof continues :(
and we faithfully check the papers, Craigslist, etc every day for new places to rent.  I am most irritated about the fact that we have to shove everything in the bedroom over to one side to avoid the bed getting dripped on.  I have no nightstand and it feels really cramped in the bedroom.

The weather has been phenomenal and we have been able to take a lot of walks this past week.

Skott has been busy cutting bottles again.  He taught me how to sand them.  We spent part of Thursday working on them.
Most of the wine bottles he is wiring and turning into lamps.  We are searching for the right decorative bulbs to put in them, but this is an idea of what they look like:


plugged in

a brownish green one
I know the pictures don't do them justice, they are actually very pretty and put out a wonderful, soft light.

Carolyn's liqueur bottles make wonderful ice cream dishes.  They are thick and heavy glass.  We are also going to experiment with vinyl lettering and acid etching on them:
ice cream dish

Skott made one of my favorite breakfasts for me- Belgian pancakes.  Mmmm
Diced ham, mushrooms, and onions cooked on top/into a pancake with cheese melted on top.
Seriously, its delicious!

I have been attempting to crochet fingerless gloves.  Learning a lot, will post pics when they are done.

Busy weekend again at work.  Next week Skott is starting an earlier shift.  Hopefully, it won't be long before I can follow.  There is a bad bunch of people on the graveyard shift that call in all the time so we have been having to stay late a lot.  Grateful for a job tho!

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