Monday, April 11, 2011

Play 'n Freeze Ice Cream maker

This past weekend we made homemade ice cream using this fun little device called the "Play 'n Freeze".  We got the smallest one that makes only a pint, but we are not big sweets eaters so we thought it would be the perfect amount to split.

How this works is you add your ingredients to a metal canister inside the ball.  We used fat free creamer, brandy, rum, and spices to make "egg nog".  On the other side of the ball is an opening where you add ice and rock salt.  I was really suprised how much ice this holds! -probably 5 lbs worth!
Then you shake it, roll it, toss it
for 10 minutes.  Stir. 
Shake, toss, and roll some more.

We actually went too long with ours (20 minutes total) so the ice cream was rock solid.
It is a fun little workout, suprisingly!
We hope to take this camping with us. 
The recipe ideas are ENDLESS

The final flavor wasn't what we had hoped, so we added some mint chocolate and chocolate peanut butter. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Oh technology!

My cute little Grandma Tolman is just beginning to grasp the concept of the internet.  I have tried to show her "texting" with my phone, or "chatting" via facebook, but that is a bit much for her to comprehend. (I was super bummed the day my brother Seth was visiting her and he and I were trying to link up his mac and my iphone so I could FaceTime talk to her.  Too bad we couldn't get it to work, that would have blown her mind -to see me actually talking to her via computer!).  Anyways... 
Apparently, my aunts read to her our blog posts and facebook updates.  To Grandma, everything is "facebook".  It is cute.  It makes me laugh.  She will ask "Did you hear about so and so on facebook?"  She is trying to incorporate the word "blog" into her vocabulary but  I don't think she quite knows how.

It is amazing how fast technology is progressing!  We are in the process of de-junking our basement and came across some cassette tapes.  We dont have anything to play them in.  Sad.
I also came across an old journal.  I don't know why this entry caught my eye but it made me laugh!

That car was a beast -a gigantic black boat of a car but boy, we thought it was cool because it has electronic locks and windows! hahaha