Monday, April 12, 2010

This is crap

I am in a fine foul mood, probably shouldn't be blogging.  Like drunk texting.  Just shouldn't do it.

But I think it is B.S. that you hire a certified professional to do a job and they screw it up!  and who pays?  Oh no, not the incompetant A-Hole....

you do.

Or in our case, we do.  Big time.

Stupid dumb idiotic moronic accountant!

Well, our lovely 2006 IRS audit is complete and if you havent noticed I am pissed beyond belief.
Thank you Mr. Oompa Loompa-orange-from-too-much-tanning-I-bought-my-degree-on-clearance-from-Walmart accountant.  How do you manage to maintain your own business?  You suck!  You screwed up and we have to pay.

Plus interest and penalties.  Oh, and if we can't cough up the money right away, the government puts a lien on our home while we make payments. Just lovely.

Shouldn't there be some sort of law to protect people in this kind of situation?  Why pay someone to do a job if they aren't even held liable for mistakes?  Shouldn't the idiot be at least responsible for paying the interest? 

What a totally crap day
and it's only 2pm

1 comment:

The McIntire Family said...

I am SOOOOOOOOOO very sorry! That sucks beyond belief. I can't even imagine----there should be some sort of law protecting you--I'm thinking that sounds like a good "business" why don't I do taxes for people charge them a butt load and than not be accountable---who cares--I don't have to pay for MY MISTAKES! That is like having a baby and the doctor dropping it on the floor and than suing you! STUPID--have a drink, a good cry , and go hit something. Luv ya